Introduce Javascript Event Loop for newbie

JavaScript has a runtime model based on an event loop, which is responsible for executing the code, collecting and processing events.

The event loop enables JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations efficiently, ensuring that your application remains responsive and doesn't get bogged down by time-consuming tasks.

  1. Single Threaded Nature: JavaScript is single-threaded, meaning it can only execute one piece of code at a time. This thread is responsible for executing your JavaScript code line by line.

  2. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Code: JavaScript can execute code synchronously (line by line) and asynchronously (out of order). Synchronous code runs sequentially, blocking further execution until it's done. Asynchronous code doesn't wait for its execution to finish; instead, it delegates it to other parts of the system, allowing the main thread to continue.

  3. Event Queue: When an asynchronous operation completes, it's placed in the Event Queue. This queue holds tasks (like event handlers, AJAX callbacks, setTimeout functions) that are ready to be executed.

  4. Event Loop: The Event Loop's job is to monitor the Call Stack and the Event Queue. When the Call Stack is empty (i.e., there's no synchronous code left to execute), the Event Loop checks if there are any tasks in the Event Queue. If there are, it moves them from the Event Queue to the Call Stack, where they're executed one by one.

  5. Execution Context: Each time a function is called, an Execution Context is created and pushed onto the Call Stack. This context holds information about the function's variables, scope, and arguments. When the function finishes, its context is popped off the stack.

  6. Concurrency Model: Through this mechanism, JavaScript achieves concurrency without multi-threading. While it's single-threaded, it can manage multiple tasks concurrently by handling asynchronous operations via the Event Loop.


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