Monkey patching in Python

Monkey patching in Python refers to the practice of dynamically modifying or extending classes or modules at runtime.

Hieu Tran Duc

It's generally not recommended due to potential issues with code readability, maintainability, and compatibility. However, if you still need to monkey patch a class method, here's a basic example:

Let's say you have a class MyClass with a method original_method:

class MyClass:
    def original_method(self):
        return "Original method"

Now, you want to monkey patch the original_method with a new implementation. Here's how you can do it:

def new_method(self):
    return "Patched method"

# Save a reference to the original method
original_method = MyClass.original_method

# Monkey patch the class method
MyClass.original_method = new_method

# Create an instance of the class
obj = MyClass()

# Call the patched method
result = obj.original_method()
print(result)  # Output: Patched method

# Restore the original method (optional)
MyClass.original_method = original_method

# Verify that the original method is restored
result = obj.original_method()
print(result)  # Output: Original method

In this example, new_method is a function that will replace the original method. The original method is saved for potential restoration. After the monkey patching, when you call obj.original_method(), it will execute the patched method.

Again, it's essential to exercise caution when using monkey patching, as it can lead to unexpected behavior and make the code harder to understand and maintain. Consider alternative approaches like subclassing or decorators if possible.


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