Using CRDT for event sourcing in a CQRS

Using CRDTs (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types) for event sourcing in a CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern is an innovative approach to handling distributed data consistency and eventual consistency in a system.

Hieu Tran Duc

CQRS Pattern

  1. Command Query Responsibility Segregation:

    • Command Side: Handles commands which represent intent to change the state (write operations).

    • Query Side: Handles queries which fetch data without changing the state (read operations).

Event Sourcing

  1. Event Sourcing:

    • Instead of persisting the current state, the system persists a sequence of events that represent state changes.

    • The state can be reconstructed by replaying these events.


  1. Conflict-free Replicated Data Types:

    • Data structures that automatically resolve conflicts in a distributed system.

    • They ensure eventual consistency by allowing concurrent updates to be merged in a conflict-free manner.

Integrating CRDTs with Event Sourcing and CQRS

  1. Command Side with Event Sourcing and CRDTs:

    • Commands result in events that are persisted.

    • Instead of applying events directly to the state, they are used to update a CRDT.

    • The CRDT ensures that any concurrent updates are merged without conflicts.

  2. Event Store:

    • Events are stored in an event store.

    • The event store can be distributed, allowing different nodes to persist and replicate events.

  3. Query Side with CRDTs:

    • The state on the query side can be reconstructed from events, similar to traditional event sourcing.

    • CRDTs can be used to maintain a consistent state across distributed nodes.

    • As events are replayed, they update the CRDT, ensuring consistency.


  1. Conflict Resolution:

    • CRDTs handle conflict resolution, making it easier to manage distributed data consistency.

    • This is particularly useful in systems with high availability requirements where partitions and concurrent updates are common.

  2. Eventual Consistency:

    • CRDTs provide strong eventual consistency guarantees, aligning with the eventual consistency model often used in CQRS.

  3. Scalability:

    • Both event sourcing and CRDTs are designed to scale in distributed environments.

    • This makes them suitable for large-scale applications with distributed microservices.

Example Workflow

  1. Command Handling:

    • A user issues a command to update an entity.

    • The command is validated and results in one or more events.

    • Events are persisted in the event store.

  2. CRDT Update:

    • The events are used to update the CRDT, ensuring conflict-free updates.

    • The CRDT state is updated and can be replicated across nodes.

  3. Query Handling:

    • The query side listens for events and updates its read models.

    • The CRDT ensures that the read models are consistent across nodes.


  1. Complexity:

    • Integrating CRDTs with event sourcing adds complexity to the system design.

    • Understanding and implementing CRDTs require a deep understanding of distributed systems.

  2. Latency:

    • Eventual consistency models introduce some latency in ensuring all nodes are consistent.

    • This might not be suitable for systems requiring strong consistency guarantees.


Combining CRDTs with event sourcing in a CQRS pattern offers a robust approach to managing distributed data consistency. It leverages the strengths of each concept to handle conflicts and ensure eventual consistency in a scalable manner. However, it requires careful design and a thorough understanding of the underlying principles to implement effectively.


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